
Semi-Autonomous Continuous Robotic Arm Control Using an Augmented Reality Brain-Computer Interface

Semi-Autonomous Continuous Robotic Arm Control Using an Augmented Reality Brain-Computer Interface 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Noninvasive augmented-reality (AR) brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) that use steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEPs) typically adopt a fully-autonomous goal-selection framework to control a robot, where automation is used to compensate for… read more

Comparing Powered Wheelchair Driving Characteristics of Real Driving and Two Types of Simulated Driving

Comparing Powered Wheelchair Driving Characteristics of Real Driving and Two Types of Simulated Driving 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
We aimed to gather evidence on the feasibility of using simulator-based driving assessments for prescribing powered mobility devices (PMDs). Therefore, we compared the driving characteristics of real driving and two… read more

Towards a New Modality-Independent Interface for a Robotic Wheelchair

Towards a New Modality-Independent Interface for a Robotic Wheelchair 556 235 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Freire Bastos-Filho, T. ; Auat Cheein, F. ; Torres Muller, S.M. ; Cardoso Celeste, W. ; de la Cruz, C. ; Cavalieri, D.C. ; Sarcinelli-Filho, M. ; Faria Santos Amaral,…

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