Training data

Deep Pinsker and James-Stein Neural Networks for Decoding Motor Intentions from Limited Data

Author(s)3: Marko Angjelichinoski, Mohammadreza Soltani, John Choi, Bijan Pesaran, Vahid Tarokh
Deep Pinsker and James-Stein Neural Networks for Decoding Motor Intentions from Limited Data 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Non-parametric regression has been shown to be useful in extracting relevant features from Local Field Potential (LFP) signals for decoding motor intentions. Yet, in many instances, brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) rely…

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Mining Within-Trial Oscillatory Brain Dynamics to Address the Variability of Optimized Spatial Filters

Mining Within-Trial Oscillatory Brain Dynamics to Address the Variability of Optimized Spatial Filters

Author(s)3: Andreas Meinel, Henrich Kolkhorst, Michael Tangermann
Mining Within-Trial Oscillatory Brain Dynamics to Address the Variability of Optimized Spatial Filters 780 435 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

   Data-driven spatial filtering algorithms optimize scores, such as the contrast between two conditions to extract oscillatory brain signal components. Most machine learning approaches for the filter estimation, however, disregard…

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