
HDE-Array: Development and Validation of a New Dry Electrode Array Design to Acquire HD-sEMG for Hand Position Estimation

HDE-Array: Development and Validation of a New Dry Electrode Array Design to Acquire HD-sEMG for Hand Position Estimation 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
This paper aims to introduce HDE-Array (High-Density Electrode Array), a novel dry electrode array for acquiring High-Density surface electromyography (HD-sEMG) for hand position estimation through RPC-Net (Recursive Prosthetic Control Network),… read more

AMBER: A Device for Hand Motor and Cognitive Rehabilitation—Development and Proof of Concept

AMBER: A Device for Hand Motor and Cognitive Rehabilitation—Development and Proof of Concept 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Stroke survivors usually exhibit concurrent motor and cognitive impairment. Historically, rehabilitation strategies post-stroke occur separately in terms of motor and cognitive functions. However, recent studies show that hand motor interventions… read more
Design and Development of a Portable Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation

Design and Development of a Portable Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation

Author(s)3: Duojin Wang, Qingyun Meng, Qiaoling Meng, Xinwei Li, Hongliu Yu
Design and Development of a Portable Exoskeleton for Hand Rehabilitation 780 435 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

     Improvement in hand function to promote functional recovery is one of the major goals of stroke rehabilitation. This paper introduces a newly developed exoskeleton for hand rehabilitation with a…

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Vibrotactile Stimulation Promotes Embodiment of an Alien Hand in Amputees With Phantom Sensations

Author(s)3: Marco D'Alonzo, Francesco Clemente, Christian Cipriani
Vibrotactile Stimulation Promotes Embodiment of an Alien Hand in Amputees With Phantom Sensations 556 235 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Abstract Tactile feedback is essential to intuitive control and to promote the sense of self-attribution of a prosthetic limb. Recent findings showed that amputees can be tricked to experience this embodiment, when synchronous…

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Motor Imagery Learning Induced Changes in Functional Connectivity of the Default Mode Network

Author(s)3: Hang Zhang, Li Yao, Zhiying Long
Motor Imagery Learning Induced Changes in Functional Connectivity of the Default Mode Network 556 235 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Abstract Numerous studies provide evidences that motor skill learning changes the activity of some brain regions during task as well as some resting networks during rest. However, it is still…

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