tactile sensors

Alteration of Mastication Force via Intraoral Closed-Loop Electrical Stimulation

Alteration of Mastication Force via Intraoral Closed-Loop Electrical Stimulation 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Mastication plays an important role in effective food digestion and nutrient absorption. Therefore, regulating masticatory force in people with declining mastication function is significant for maintaining health and quality of… read more

Novel Targeted Sensory Reinnervation Technique to Restore Functional Hand Sensation After Transhumeral Amputation

Novel Targeted Sensory Reinnervation Technique to Restore Functional Hand Sensation After Transhumeral Amputation 556 305 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Hebert, J.S. ; Olson, J.L. ; Morhart, M.J. ; Dawson, M.R. ; Marasco, P.D. ; Kuiken, T.A. ; Chang, K.M. ACCESS PAPER DATA READ FULL ARTICLE ON IEEE XPLORE Abstract…

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