spatial resolution

HDE-Array: Development and Validation of a New Dry Electrode Array Design to Acquire HD-sEMG for Hand Position Estimation

HDE-Array: Development and Validation of a New Dry Electrode Array Design to Acquire HD-sEMG for Hand Position Estimation 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
This paper aims to introduce HDE-Array (High-Density Electrode Array), a novel dry electrode array for acquiring High-Density surface electromyography (HD-sEMG) for hand position estimation through RPC-Net (Recursive Prosthetic Control Network),… read more

MASER: Enhancing EEG Spatial Resolution With State Space Modeling

MASER: Enhancing EEG Spatial Resolution With State Space Modeling 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Consumer-grade Electroencephalography (EEG) devices equipped with few electrodes often suffer from low spatial resolution, hindering the accurate capture of intricate brain activity patterns. To address this issue, we propose MASER,… read more
A Spatially Focused Method for High Density Electrode-Based Functional Brain Mapping Applications

A Spatially Focused Method for High Density Electrode-Based Functional Brain Mapping Applications

Author(s)3: Chih-Wei Chang, Yue-Loong Hsin, Wentai Liu
A Spatially Focused Method for High Density Electrode-Based Functional Brain Mapping Applications 780 875 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Mapping the electric field of the brain with electrodes benefits from its superior temporal resolution but is prone to low spatial resolution property comparing with other modalities such as fMRI,…

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