spatial filters

Improving the Performance of Individually Calibrated SSVEP Classification by Rhythmic Entrainment Source Separation

Improving the Performance of Individually Calibrated SSVEP Classification by Rhythmic Entrainment Source Separation 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Objective: The supervised decoding algorithms of Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials (SSVEP) have achieved remarkable performance with sufficient training data. However, these methods have typically failed to achieve acceptable performance in… read more
A Spatially Focused Method for High Density Electrode-Based Functional Brain Mapping Applications

A Spatially Focused Method for High Density Electrode-Based Functional Brain Mapping Applications

Author(s)3: Chih-Wei Chang, Yue-Loong Hsin, Wentai Liu
A Spatially Focused Method for High Density Electrode-Based Functional Brain Mapping Applications 780 875 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Mapping the electric field of the brain with electrodes benefits from its superior temporal resolution but is prone to low spatial resolution property comparing with other modalities such as fMRI,…

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