
Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Stimulation on Fingertip Can Evoke Fine Tactile Sensations and Different Local Hemodynamic Responses

Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Stimulation on Fingertip Can Evoke Fine Tactile Sensations and Different Local Hemodynamic Responses 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Low-intensity focused ultrasound stimulation (LIFUS) has been proved effective in eliciting vibrotactile in addition to warm, cold and nociceptive pain when applied to human peripheral endings. However, if it can… read more

A Fusion Dimension Reduction Method for the Features of Surface Electromyographic Signals

A Fusion Dimension Reduction Method for the Features of Surface Electromyographic Signals 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Surface electromyographic signals (sEMG) usually have high-dimensional properties, and direct processing of these data consumes significant computational resources. Dimensionality reduction processing can reduce the dimension of the data and improve… read more
Validation of Polymer-Based Screen-Printed Textile Electrodes for Surface EMG Detection

Validation of Polymer-Based Screen-Printed Textile Electrodes for Surface EMG Detection

Author(s)3: D. Pani, A. Achilli, A. Spanu, A. Bonfiglio, mgazzoni, A. Botter
Validation of Polymer-Based Screen-Printed Textile Electrodes for Surface EMG Detection 780 593 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

      In recent years, the variety of textile electrodes developed for electrophysiological signal detection has increased rapidly. Among the applications that could benefit from this advancement, those based on surface…

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Effects of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality on Induced Anxiety

Author(s)3: Shih-Ching Yeh, Yuan-Yuan Li, Chu Zhou, Pin-Hua Chiu, Jun-Wei Chen
Effects of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality on Induced Anxiety 641 405 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

     To explore the effects of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in the treatment of claustrophobia, the potential effects of VR and AR on induced anxiety were investigated…

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Vibrotactile Stimulation Promotes Embodiment of an Alien Hand in Amputees With Phantom Sensations

Author(s)3: Marco D'Alonzo, Francesco Clemente, Christian Cipriani
Vibrotactile Stimulation Promotes Embodiment of an Alien Hand in Amputees With Phantom Sensations 556 235 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Abstract Tactile feedback is essential to intuitive control and to promote the sense of self-attribution of a prosthetic limb. Recent findings showed that amputees can be tricked to experience this embodiment, when synchronous…

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