musculoskeletal modeling

An Efficient Framework for Personalizing EMG-Driven Musculoskeletal Models Based on Reinforcement Learning

An Efficient Framework for Personalizing EMG-Driven Musculoskeletal Models Based on Reinforcement Learning 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
This study aimed to develop a novel framework to quickly personalize electromyography (EMG)-driven musculoskeletal models (MMs) as efferent neural interfaces for upper limb prostheses. Our framework adopts a generic upper-limb… read more

12 Degrees of Freedom Muscle Force Driven Fibril-Reinforced Poroviscoelastic Finite Element Model of the Knee Joint

Author(s)3: A. Esrafilian, L. Stenroth, M. E. Mononen, P. Tanska, S. V. Rossom, D. G. Lloyd, I. Jonkers, R. K. Korhonen
12 Degrees of Freedom Muscle Force Driven Fibril-Reinforced Poroviscoelastic Finite Element Model of the Knee Joint 495 630 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Accurate knowledge of the joint kinematics, kinetics, and soft tissue mechanical responses is essential in the evaluation of musculoskeletal (MS) disorders. read more

Synthesis of Subject-Specific Human Balance Responses Using a Task-Level Neuromuscular Control Platform

Author(s)3: Misagh B. Mansouri, Nicolas A. Vivaldi, Cyril J. Donnelly, Mark A. Robinson, Jos Vanrenterghem, Jeffrey A. Reinbolt
Synthesis of Subject-Specific Human Balance Responses Using a Task-Level Neuromuscular Control Platform 390 480 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

      Many activities of daily living require a high level of neuromuscular coordination and balance control to avoid falls. Complex musculoskeletal models paired with detailed neuromuscular simulations complement experimental studies…

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