metabolic cost

Proportional Joint-Moment Control for Instantaneously Adaptive Ankle Exoskeleton Assistance

Proportional Joint-Moment Control for Instantaneously Adaptive Ankle Exoskeleton Assistance

Author(s)3: Gian Maria Gasparri, Jason Luque, Zachary F. Lerner
Proportional Joint-Moment Control for Instantaneously Adaptive Ankle Exoskeleton Assistance 780 435 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

   Lower-limb exoskeletons used to improve free-living mobility for individuals with neuromuscular impairment must be controlled to prescribe assistance that adapts to the diverse locomotor conditions encountered during daily life,…

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Overview of a novel untethered ankle exoskeleton designed to improve walking economy in children and adults with CP

An untethered ankle exoskeleton improves walking economy in a pilot study of individuals with cerebral palsy

Author(s)3: Zachary F. Lerner, Gian Maria Gasparri, Michael O. Bair, Jenny L. Lawson, Jason Luque, Taryn A. Harvey, Andrea T. Lerner
An untethered ankle exoskeleton improves walking economy in a pilot study of individuals with cerebral palsy 780 317 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

       The high energy cost of walking in individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) contributes significantly to reduced mobility and quality of life. The purpose of this study was to develop…

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