Long short-term memory

Continuous Short-Term Pain Assessment in Temporomandibular Joint Therapy Using LSTM Models Supported by Heat-Induced Pain Data Patterns

Continuous Short-Term Pain Assessment in Temporomandibular Joint Therapy Using LSTM Models Supported by Heat-Induced Pain Data Patterns 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
This study aims to design a time-continuous pain level assessment system for temporomandibular joint therapy. Our objectives cover verifying literature suggestions on pain stimulus, protocols for collecting reference data, and… read more

Mixed Neural Network Approach for Temporal Sleep Stage Classification

Author(s)3: Hao Dong, Akara Supratak, Wei Pan, Chao Wu, Paul M. Matthews, Yike Guo
Mixed Neural Network Approach for Temporal Sleep Stage Classification 780 1165 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

      This paper proposes a practical approach to addressing limitations posed by using of single-channel electroencephalography (EEG) for sleep stage classification. EEG-based characterizations of sleep stage progression contribute the diagnosis…

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