
Promoting Functional and Independent Sitting in Children with Cerebral Palsy Using the Robotic Trunk Support Trainer

Author(s)3: Victor Santamaria, Moiz Khan, Tatiana Luna, Jiyeon Kang, Joseph Dutkowsky, Andrew Gordon, Sunil Agrawal
Promoting Functional and Independent Sitting in Children with Cerebral Palsy Using the Robotic Trunk Support Trainer 515 334 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Seated postural abilities are critical to functional independence and participation in children with cerebral palsy, Gross Motor Functional Classification System (GMFCS) levels III-IV. In this proof-of-concept study, we investigated the feasibility of a motor learning–based seated postural training with a robotic Trunk-Support-Trainer (TruST) in a longitudinal single-subject-design (13y, GMFCS IV), and its potential effectiveness in a group of 3 children (6-14y, GMFCS III-IV). read more