
Biomedical Serious Game System for Balance Rehabilitation of Hemiparetic Stroke Patients

Author(s)3: F. Noveletto, A.V. Soares, B.A. Mello, C.N. Sevegnani, F.L.F. Eichinger, marcelodashounsell, P. Bertemes-Filho
Biomedical Serious Game System for Balance Rehabilitation of Hemiparetic Stroke Patients 345 229 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Hemiparetic stroke patients can have several muscular and postural disorders which compromise their balance. Serious Games (SG) emerged as a new approach to enhance conventional treatment by making it a…

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Can Wii Balance? Evaluating a Stepping Game for Older Adults

Author(s)3: Mark Deacon, John Parsons, Sean Mathieson, T. Claire Davies
Can Wii Balance? Evaluating a Stepping Game for Older Adults 300 541 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

    Decline in balance control is an issue for older adults as it leads to an increased risk of falling which may result in serious injury. Mitigating this risk may…

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Is Sensorimotor BCI Performance Influenced Differently by Mono, Stereo, or 3-D Auditory Feedback?

Is Sensorimotor BCI Performance Influenced Differently by Mono, Stereo, or 3-D Auditory Feedback? 556 235 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

McCreadie, K.A. ; Coyle, D.H. ; Prasad, G. ACCESS PAPER DATA READ FULL ARTICLE ON IEEE XPLORE Abstract Imagination of movement can be used as a control method for a…

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