gait analysis

Systematic Variation of Prosthetic Foot Spring Affects Center-of-Mass Mechanics and Metabolic Cost During Walking

Author(s)3: Karl E. Zelik, Steven H. Collins, Peter G. Adamczyk, Ava D. Segal, Glenn K. Klute, David C. Morgenroth, Michael E. Hahn, Michael S. Orendurff, Joseph M. Czerniecki, Arthur D. Kuo
Systematic Variation of Prosthetic Foot Spring Affects Center-of-Mass Mechanics and Metabolic Cost During Walking 1264 855 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Lower-limb amputees expend more energy to walk than non-amputees and have an elevated risk of secondary disabilities. Insufficient push-off by the prosthetic foot may be a contributing factor. We aimed…

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Modelling and Design of the Automatic Stance Phase Lock (ASPL) Knee Joint Control Mechanism for Paediatric Users with Transfemoral Amputations

Author(s)3: Jan Andrysek, Calvin C. Ngan
Modelling and Design of the Automatic Stance Phase Lock (ASPL) Knee Joint Control Mechanism for Paediatric Users with Transfemoral Amputations 820 548 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

The 2-axes Automatic Stance Phase Lock (ASPL) stance control mechanism has been demonstrated to improve adult amputees’ mobility but has yet to be developed for the paediatric population. The overall…

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Simultaneous Recognition and Assessment of Post-Stroke Hemiparetic Gait by Fusing Kinematic, Kinetic, and Electrophysiological Data

Author(s)3: Chengkun Cui, Gui-Bin Bian, Zeng-Guang Hou, Jun Zhao, Guodong Su, Hao Zhou, Liang Peng, Weiqun Wang
Simultaneous Recognition and Assessment of Post-Stroke Hemiparetic Gait by Fusing Kinematic, Kinetic, and Electrophysiological Data 780 890 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

        Gait analysis for the patients with lower limb motor dysfunction is a useful tool in assisting clinicians for diagnosis, assessment, and rehabilitation strategy making. Implementing accurate automatic gait analysis…

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Assessment of Foot Trajectory for Human Gait Phase Detection Using Wireless Ultrasonic Sensor Network

Author(s)3: Yongbin Qi, Cheong Boon Soh, Erry Gunawan, Kay-Soon Low, Rijil Thomas
Assessment of Foot Trajectory for Human Gait Phase Detection Using Wireless Ultrasonic Sensor Network 1025 498 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

This paper presents a new highly accurate gait phase detection system using wearable wireless ultrasonic sensors, which can be used in gait analysis or rehabilitation applications. The gait phase detection…

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