
Fall Risk Prediction Using Instrumented Footwear in Institutionalized Older Adults

Fall Risk Prediction Using Instrumented Footwear in Institutionalized Older Adults 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
This study presents a novel framework that utilizes instrumented footwear to predict fall risk in institutionalized older adults by leveraging stride-to-stride gait data. The older adults are categorized into fallers… read more

Long-Term Gait-Balance Monitoring Artificial Intelligence System for Various Terrain Types

Long-Term Gait-Balance Monitoring Artificial Intelligence System for Various Terrain Types 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
A long-term gait-balance monitoring system for various terrain types was developed using an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and deep-learning model. The system aims to identify unstable gait caused by lower-limb… read more

MovePort: Multimodal Dataset of EMG, IMU, MoCap, and Insole Pressure for Analyzing Abnormal Movements and Postures in Rehabilitation Training

MovePort: Multimodal Dataset of EMG, IMU, MoCap, and Insole Pressure for Analyzing Abnormal Movements and Postures in Rehabilitation Training 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
In most real world rehabilitation training, patients are trained to regain motion capabilities with the aid of functional/epidural electrical stimulation (FES/EES), under the support of gravity-assist systems to prevent falls.… read more

Systematic Variation of Prosthetic Foot Spring Affects Center-of-Mass Mechanics and Metabolic Cost During Walking

Author(s)3: Karl E. Zelik, Steven H. Collins, Peter G. Adamczyk, Ava D. Segal, Glenn K. Klute, David C. Morgenroth, Michael E. Hahn, Michael S. Orendurff, Joseph M. Czerniecki, Arthur D. Kuo
Systematic Variation of Prosthetic Foot Spring Affects Center-of-Mass Mechanics and Metabolic Cost During Walking 1264 855 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Lower-limb amputees expend more energy to walk than non-amputees and have an elevated risk of secondary disabilities. Insufficient push-off by the prosthetic foot may be a contributing factor. We aimed…

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Multi-directional Ankle Impedance During Standing Postures

Author(s)3: Guilherme A. Ribeiro, Lauren N. Knop, Mo Rastgaar
Multi-directional Ankle Impedance During Standing Postures 592 1000 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
In this study, we estimated the multi-directional ankle mechanical impedance in two degrees-of-freedom (DOF) during standing, and determined how the stiffness, damping, and inertia vary with ankle angle and ankle torque at different postures. read more
Enhancing Mobility With Quasi-Passive Variable Stiffness Exoskeletons

Enhancing Mobility With Quasi-Passive Variable Stiffness Exoskeletons

Author(s)3: Amanda Sutrisno, David J. Braun
Enhancing Mobility With Quasi-Passive Variable Stiffness Exoskeletons 780 435 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

  Shoes were invented to provide user comfort using rubber soles, despite marginal improvement in human mobility. Unlike shoes, current lower-limb exoskeletons use fixed stiffness springs to store and recycle…

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Gait and Dynamic Balance Sensing Using Wearable Foot Sensors

Gait and Dynamic Balance Sensing Using Wearable Foot Sensors

Author(s)3: Mohamed Irfan Mohamed Refai, Bert-Jan F. van Beijnum, Jaap H. Buurke, Peter H. Veltink
Gait and Dynamic Balance Sensing Using Wearable Foot Sensors 780 313 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

    Remote monitoring of gait performance offers possibilities for objective evaluation, and tackling impairment in motor ability, gait, and balance in populations such as elderly, stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, etc.…

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Design and Validation of a Semi-Active Variable Stiffness Foot Prosthesis

Design and Validation of a Semi-Active Variable Stiffness Foot Prosthesis

Author(s)3: Evan M. Glanzer, Peter G. Adamczyk
Design and Validation of a Semi-Active Variable Stiffness Foot Prosthesis 780 435 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

  This paper presents the design and validation of a novel lower-limb prosthesis called the Variable-Stiffness Foot (VSF), designed to vary its forefoot stiffness in response to user activity. The…

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Gestural Interaction and Visual Illusion for Lower Limbs’ Neuropathic Pain Treatment

Author(s)3: Jaume Lopez-Carballo, Neus Rodriguez, Dolors Soler, Eloy Opisso, Mateu Sbert
Gestural Interaction and Visual Illusion for Lower Limbs’ Neuropathic Pain Treatment 301 208 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Pain caused by a lesion or a disease affecting the somatosensory nervous system is known as Neuropathic pain. It has been shown that neuropathic pain can be treated with the…

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Energy-Optimal Human Walking With Feedback-Controlled Robotic Prostheses: A Computational Study

Energy-Optimal Human Walking With Feedback-Controlled Robotic Prostheses: A Computational Study

Author(s)3: Matthew L. Handford, Manoj Srinivasan
Energy-Optimal Human Walking With Feedback-Controlled Robotic Prostheses: A Computational Study 500 250 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

  Lower-limb amputees typically experience reduced mobility and higher metabolic rates than non-amputees. It may be possible to improve their mobility and metabolic rate with an optimized robotic prosthesis. Here,…

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