Essential tremor

Prediction of rTMS Efficacy in Patients With Essential Tremor: Biomarkers From Individual Resting-State EEG Network

Prediction of rTMS Efficacy in Patients With Essential Tremor: Biomarkers From Individual Resting-State EEG Network 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
The pathogenesis of essential tremor (ET) remains unclear, and the efficacy of related drug treatment is inadequate for proper tremor control. Hence, in the current study, consecutive low-frequency repetitive transcranial… read more

An OpenSim-Based Closed-Loop Biomechanical Wrist Model for Subject-Specific Pathological Tremor Simulation

An OpenSim-Based Closed-Loop Biomechanical Wrist Model for Subject-Specific Pathological Tremor Simulation 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Objective: A pathological tremor (PT) is an involuntary rhythmic movement of varying frequency and amplitude that affects voluntary motion, thus compromising individuals’ independence. A comprehensive model incorporating PT’s physiological and… read more