Neuromuscular Mechanisms of Motor Adaptation to Repeated Treadmill-Slip Perturbations During Stance in Healthy Young Adults

Neuromuscular Mechanisms of Motor Adaptation to Repeated Treadmill-Slip Perturbations During Stance in Healthy Young Adults 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Treadmill-based repeated perturbation training (PBT) induces motor adaptation in reactive balance responses, thus lowering the risk of slip-induced falls. However, little evidence exists regarding intervention-induced changes in neuromuscular control underlying… read more

Identification of Spared and Proportionally Controllable Hand Motor Dimensions in Motor Complete Spinal Cord Injuries Using Latent Manifold Analysis

Identification of Spared and Proportionally Controllable Hand Motor Dimensions in Motor Complete Spinal Cord Injuries Using Latent Manifold Analysis 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
The loss of bilateral hand function is a debilitating challenge for millions of individuals that suffered a motor-complete spinal cord injury (SCI). We have recently demonstrated in eight tetraplegic individuals… read more

A Deep Learning Architecture for Temporal Sleep Stage Classification Using Multivariate and Multimodal Time Series

Author(s)3: Stanislas Chambon, Mathieu N. Galtier, Pierrick J. Arnal, Gilles Wainrib, Alexandre Gramfort
A Deep Learning Architecture for Temporal Sleep Stage Classification Using Multivariate and Multimodal Time Series 780 364 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

     Sleep stage classification constitutes an important preliminary exam in the diagnosis of sleep disorders. It is traditionally performed by a sleep expert who assigns to each 30 s of…

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Quantifying Nonlinear Contributions to Cortical Responses Evoked by Continuous Wrist Manipulation

Quantifying Nonlinear Contributions to Cortical Responses Evoked by Continuous Wrist Manipulation

Author(s)3: Martijn P. Vlaar, Teodoro Solis-Escalante, Alistair N. Vardy, Frans C. T. van der Helm, Alfred C. Schouten
Quantifying Nonlinear Contributions to Cortical Responses Evoked by Continuous Wrist Manipulation 780 435 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Cortical responses to continuous stimuli as recorded using either magneto- or electroencephalography (EEG) have shown power at harmonics of the stimulated frequency, indicating nonlinear behavior. Even though the selection of…

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