
Lower-Limb Myoelectric Calibration Postures for Transtibial Prostheses

Lower-Limb Myoelectric Calibration Postures for Transtibial Prostheses 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
The use of an agonist-antagonist muscle pair for myoelectric control of a transtibial prosthesis requires normalizing the myoelectric signals and identifying their co-contraction signature. Extensive literature has explored the relationship… read more

EMG-based Multi-User Hand Gesture Classification via Unsupervised Transfer Learning Using Unknown Calibration Gestures

EMG-based Multi-User Hand Gesture Classification via Unsupervised Transfer Learning Using Unknown Calibration Gestures 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
The poor generalization performance and heavy training burden of the gesture classification model contribute as two main barriers that hinder the commercialization of sEMG-based human-machine interaction (HMI) systems. To overcome… read more

VME-DWT: An Efficient Algorithm for Detection and Elimination of Eye Blink From Short Segments of Single EEG Channel

Author(s)3: Mohammad Shahbakhti, Matin Beiramvand, Mojtaba Nazari, Anna Broniec-Wójcik, Piotr Augustyniak, Ana Santos Rodrigues, Michal Wierzchon, Vaidotas Marozas
VME-DWT: An Efficient Algorithm for Detection and Elimination of Eye Blink From Short Segments of Single EEG Channel 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Objective: Recent advances in development of low-cost single-channel electroencephalography (EEG) headbands have opened new possibilities for applications in health monitoring and brain-computer interface (BCI) systems. These recorded EEG signals, however,…

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Task-space Synergies for Reaching using Upper-limb Prostheses

Author(s)3: Ricardo Garcia-Rosas, Denny Oetomo, Chris Manzie, Ying Tan, Peter Choong
Task-space Synergies for Reaching using Upper-limb Prostheses 672 207 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Synergistic prostheses enable the coordinated movement of the human-prosthetic arm, as required by activities of daily living. This is achieved by coupling the motion of the prosthesis to the human command, such as the residual limb movement in motion-based interfaces. read more