
Prediction of rTMS Efficacy in Patients With Essential Tremor: Biomarkers From Individual Resting-State EEG Network

Prediction of rTMS Efficacy in Patients With Essential Tremor: Biomarkers From Individual Resting-State EEG Network 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
The pathogenesis of essential tremor (ET) remains unclear, and the efficacy of related drug treatment is inadequate for proper tremor control. Hence, in the current study, consecutive low-frequency repetitive transcranial… read more

Development and Evaluation of a Real-Time Phase-Triggered Stimulation Algorithm for the CorTec Brain Interchange

Development and Evaluation of a Real-Time Phase-Triggered Stimulation Algorithm for the CorTec Brain Interchange 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
With the development and characterization of biomarkers that may reflect neural network state as well as a patient’s clinical deficits, there is growing interest in more complex stimulation designs. While… read more

Estimating Fugl-Meyer Upper Extremity Motor Score From Functional-Connectivity Measures

Author(s)3: Nader Riahi, Vasily A. Vakorin, Carlo Menon
Estimating Fugl-Meyer Upper Extremity Motor Score From Functional-Connectivity Measures 804 581 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Fugl-Meyer assessment is an accepted method of evaluating motor function for people with stroke. A challenge associated with this assessment is the availability of trained examiners to carry out the…

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A Magnetoencephalography Study of Pediatric Interictal Neuromagnetic Activity Changes and Brain Network Alterations Caused by Epilepsy in the High Frequency (80–1000 Hz)

A Magnetoencephalography Study of Pediatric Interictal Neuromagnetic Activity Changes and Brain Network Alterations Caused by Epilepsy in the High Frequency (80–1000 Hz)

Author(s)3: Lu Meng
A Magnetoencephalography Study of Pediatric Interictal Neuromagnetic Activity Changes and Brain Network Alterations Caused by Epilepsy in the High Frequency (80–1000 Hz) 780 435 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

More and more studies propose that high frequency brain signals are promising biomarkers of epileptogenic zone. In this paper, our aim is to investigate the neuromagnetic changes and brain network…

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Smartphone Allows Capture of Speech Abnormalities Associated With High Risk of Developing Parkinson’s Disease

Smartphone Allows Capture of Speech Abnormalities Associated With High Risk of Developing Parkinson’s Disease

Author(s)3: Jan Rusz, Jan Hlavnička, Tereza Tykalová, Michal Novotný, Petr Dušek, Karel Šonka, Evžen Růžička
Smartphone Allows Capture of Speech Abnormalities Associated With High Risk of Developing Parkinson’s Disease 780 504 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

       Although smartphone technology provides new opportunities for the recording of speech samples in everyday life, its ability to capture prodromal speech impairment in persons with a high risk of…

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Real-Time Detection and Monitoring of Acute Brain Injury Utilizing Evoked Electroencephalographic Potentials

Real-Time Detection and Monitoring of Acute Brain Injury Utilizing Evoked Electroencephalographic Potentials

Author(s)3: Johnathan A. N. Fisher, Stanley Huang, Meijun Ye, Marjan Nabili, W. Bryan Wilent, Victor Krauthamer, Matthew R. Myers, Cristin G. Welle
Real-Time Detection and Monitoring of Acute Brain Injury Utilizing Evoked Electroencephalographic Potentials 780 435 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Rapid detection and diagnosis of a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can significantly improve the prognosis for recovery. Helmet-mounted sensors that detect impact severity based on measurements of acceleration or pressure…

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