Biological neural networks

An Adaptive Hammerstein Model for FES-Induced Torque Prediction Based on Variable Forgetting Factor Recursive Least Squares Algorithm

An Adaptive Hammerstein Model for FES-Induced Torque Prediction Based on Variable Forgetting Factor Recursive Least Squares Algorithm 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Modeling the muscle response to functional electrical stimulation (FES) is an important step during model-based FES control system design. The Hammerstein structure is widely used in simulating this nonlinear biomechanical… read more

Deep Pinsker and James-Stein Neural Networks for Decoding Motor Intentions from Limited Data

Author(s)3: Marko Angjelichinoski, Mohammadreza Soltani, John Choi, Bijan Pesaran, Vahid Tarokh
Deep Pinsker and James-Stein Neural Networks for Decoding Motor Intentions from Limited Data 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Non-parametric regression has been shown to be useful in extracting relevant features from Local Field Potential (LFP) signals for decoding motor intentions. Yet, in many instances, brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) rely…

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Learning Spatial–Spectral–Temporal EEG Features With Recurrent 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Cross-Task Mental Workload Assessment

Learning Spatial–Spectral–Temporal EEG Features With Recurrent 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Cross-Task Mental Workload Assessment

Author(s)3: Pengbo Zhang, Xue Wang, Weihang Zhang, Junfeng Chen
Learning Spatial–Spectral–Temporal EEG Features With Recurrent 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Cross-Task Mental Workload Assessment 780 395 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

    Mental workload assessment is essential for maintaining human health and preventing accidents. Most research on this issue is limited to a single task. However, cross-task assessment is indispensable for…

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Functional selectivity of lumbosacral stimulation: Methodological approach and pilot study to assess visceral function in pigs

Author(s)3: Thomas Guiho, Christine Azevedo-Coste, David Andreu, Claire Delleci, Luc Bauchet, Jean-Rodolphe Vignes, David Guiraud
Functional selectivity of lumbosacral stimulation: Methodological approach and pilot study to assess visceral function in pigs 378 250 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

Nearly all spinal cord injured (SCI) individuals lose bladder control and are prone to kidney complications if intermittent catheterization is not applied. Electrical stimulation (ES) of the sacral anterior roots…

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