
Effect of feedback on foot strike angle and forward propulsion in people with stroke

Effect of feedback on foot strike angle and forward propulsion in people with stroke 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Effective retraining of foot elevation and forward propulsion is essential in stroke survivors’ gait rehabilitation. This study aimed to investigate the effect of providing real-time feedback on foot strike angle… read more

Myoelectric Fatigue and Motor-Unit Firing Patterns During Sinusoidal Vibration Superimposed on Low-Intensity Isometric Contraction

Myoelectric Fatigue and Motor-Unit Firing Patterns During Sinusoidal Vibration Superimposed on Low-Intensity Isometric Contraction 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Vibration exercise (VE) has shown promising results for improving muscle strength and power performance when superimposed on high-level muscle contraction. However, low-level contraction may be more preferable in many rehabilitation… read more