Analysis of variance

Visual angles and emotional valence affect temporal dynamics of neural representations of facial expression: An MEG study

Visual angles and emotional valence affect temporal dynamics of neural representations of facial expression: An MEG study 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Emotion processing has been a focus of research in Cognitive Neuroscience for decades. While the evoked neural markers as brain activations in response to different emotions have been reported, the… read more

Modeling the Heterogeneity of Post-Stroke Gait Control in Free-Living Environments Using a Personalized Causal Network

Modeling the Heterogeneity of Post-Stroke Gait Control in Free-Living Environments Using a Personalized Causal Network 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Post-stroke gait control is a complex, often fail to account for the heterogeneity and continuity of gait in existing gait models. Precisely evaluating gait speed adjustability and gait instability in… read more