
Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Stimulation on Fingertip Can Evoke Fine Tactile Sensations and Different Local Hemodynamic Responses

Low-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Stimulation on Fingertip Can Evoke Fine Tactile Sensations and Different Local Hemodynamic Responses 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Low-intensity focused ultrasound stimulation (LIFUS) has been proved effective in eliciting vibrotactile in addition to warm, cold and nociceptive pain when applied to human peripheral endings. However, if it can… read more
Smartphone Allows Capture of Speech Abnormalities Associated With High Risk of Developing Parkinson’s Disease

Smartphone Allows Capture of Speech Abnormalities Associated With High Risk of Developing Parkinson’s Disease

Author(s)3: Jan Rusz, Jan Hlavnička, Tereza Tykalová, Michal Novotný, Petr Dušek, Karel Šonka, Evžen Růžička
Smartphone Allows Capture of Speech Abnormalities Associated With High Risk of Developing Parkinson’s Disease 780 504 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)

       Although smartphone technology provides new opportunities for the recording of speech samples in everyday life, its ability to capture prodromal speech impairment in persons with a high risk of…

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