IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering – Early Access

Expanding functional workspace for people with C5-C7 spinal cord injury with supernumerary dorsal grasping

Expanding functional workspace for people with C5-C7 spinal cord injury with supernumerary dorsal grasping 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Spinal cord injuries (SCI) substantially affect sensory, motor, and autonomous functions below the level of injury, reducing the independence and quality of life for affected individuals. Specifically, people with SCI… read more

Stimulation-Induced Muscle Deformation Measured with A-Mode Ultrasound Correlates with Muscle Fatigue

Stimulation-Induced Muscle Deformation Measured with A-Mode Ultrasound Correlates with Muscle Fatigue 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Muscle fatigue is a common physiological phenomenon whose onset can impair physical performance and increase the risk of injury. Traditional assessments of muscle fatigue are primarily constrained by their dependence… read more

Wrist torque estimation by combining motor unit discharges with musculoskeletal model

Wrist torque estimation by combining motor unit discharges with musculoskeletal model 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Objective. The application of electromyography (EMG) decomposition techniques in myoelectric control has gradually increased. However, most decomposition-based control schemes rely on machine learning, lacking interpretation of the biological mechanisms underlying… read more

Fall Risk Prediction Using Instrumented Footwear in Institutionalized Older Adults

Fall Risk Prediction Using Instrumented Footwear in Institutionalized Older Adults 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
This study presents a novel framework that utilizes instrumented footwear to predict fall risk in institutionalized older adults by leveraging stride-to-stride gait data. The older adults are categorized into fallers… read more

A Functional Connectivity-Based Model with a Lightweight Attention Mechanism for Depression Recognition Using EEG signals

A Functional Connectivity-Based Model with a Lightweight Attention Mechanism for Depression Recognition Using EEG signals 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Numerous studies on depression recognition utilize attention mechanisms as tools for feature extraction. Applying the standard multi-head self-attention mechanism to the spatial domain of EEG data is a feasible approach… read more

Concurrent Validity of Wearable Nanocomposite Strain Sensor with Two-Dimensional Goniometer and its Reliability for Monitoring Knee Active Range of Motion in Multiple Participants

Concurrent Validity of Wearable Nanocomposite Strain Sensor with Two-Dimensional Goniometer and its Reliability for Monitoring Knee Active Range of Motion in Multiple Participants 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
The range of motion (ROM) of joints in the human body is essential for movement and functional performance. Real-time monitoring of joint angles is crucial for confirming pathologic biomechanics, providing… read more

A Relationship Model between Optimized Exoskeleton Assistance and Gait Conditions Improves Multi-gait Human-in-the-Loop Optimization Performance

A Relationship Model between Optimized Exoskeleton Assistance and Gait Conditions Improves Multi-gait Human-in-the-Loop Optimization Performance 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Exoskeletons have been shown be able to reduce metabolic cost of human walking. Determining the suitable assistance is challenging due to individual variability in response and the need for tailored… read more

Forced Movements Facilitate Reversal Learning in Rats: Findings from a Rat Robotic Rehabilitation Model

Forced Movements Facilitate Reversal Learning in Rats: Findings from a Rat Robotic Rehabilitation Model 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
To evaluate the effectiveness of robotic rehabilitation alone, we developed a robotic rehabilitation model for rats and investigated the effects of inducing forced response-like movements on learning a choice reaction… read more

Visual angles and emotional valence affect temporal dynamics of neural representations of facial expression: An MEG study

Visual angles and emotional valence affect temporal dynamics of neural representations of facial expression: An MEG study 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Emotion processing has been a focus of research in Cognitive Neuroscience for decades. While the evoked neural markers as brain activations in response to different emotions have been reported, the… read more

Electrophysiological Evidence on Mirror Therapy for Promoting Perceptuo-Motor Processes in Stroke Patients

Electrophysiological Evidence on Mirror Therapy for Promoting Perceptuo-Motor Processes in Stroke Patients 150 150 Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering (TNSRE)
Mirror therapy is proposed to enhance post-stroke awareness of the affected limb and mental ability, but convincing evidence on the perceptuo-motor processes is insufficient. In this study, we aimed to… read more