
Wireless Body Area NanoNetworks via Vascular Molecular Communication

Wireless Body Area NanoNetworks via Vascular Molecular Communication 150 150 Transactions on NanoBioscience (TNB)
Advancements in biotechnology and molecular communication have enabled the utilization of nanomachines in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN2) for applications such as drug delivery, cancer detection, and emergency rescue services.… read more

Ratio Shift Keying Modulation for Time-Varying Molecular Communication Channels

Ratio Shift Keying Modulation for Time-Varying Molecular Communication Channels 150 150 Transactions on NanoBioscience (TNB)
Molecular Communications (MC) is a bio-inspired communication technique that uses molecules to encode and transfer information. Many efforts have been devoted to developing novel modulation techniques for MC based on… read more

Electrophoretic Molecular Communication With Piecewise Constant Electric Field

Electrophoretic Molecular Communication With Piecewise Constant Electric Field 150 150 Transactions on NanoBioscience (TNB)
This paper studies a novel electrophoretic molecular communication (EMC) framework utilizing a piecewise constant electric field. EMC is a particular type of molecular communication that exploits electric fields to induce… read more