2016 Innovation Lab on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biomedical Data Science Challenges of Wearable and/or Ambient Sensors

2016 Innovation Lab on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biomedical Data Science Challenges of Wearable and/or Ambient Sensors 150 150 Translational Engineering & Healthcare Innovation (TEHI)

Applications are invited for an Innovation Lab focused on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Biomedical Data Science Challenges taking place June 15-19th, 2016 at the UCLA Lake Arrowhead Conference Center in Lake Arrowhead, CA.  The Innovation Lab will focus on biomedical big data coming from wearable and/or ambient sensors (e.g. wearable electronics, mobile devices, environmental sensors).

The goal of the event is to foster the formation of new interdisciplinary collaborations that will generate creative strategies for addressing challenges associated with the visualization, modeling, and analysis of biomedical big data coming from wearable or ambient sensors.  Such challenges arise from multifaceted data structures like networks and images, sparse or missing data, streaming of non-stationary time series data, the need for integration from multiple sources of data, interaction effects, etc.  This Innovation Lab is intended to bring together expertise from the mathematical, statistical, and biomedical fields, to address interdisciplinary topics in biomedical data science critical to the effective use of wearables or ambient sensors.

Early-career investigators (Assistant/Associate Professors) from quantitative disciplines including Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science are highly encouraged to apply. Selected participants will take part in a mentored, five-day workshop to generate the formation of new interdisciplinary teams to tackle these data science challenges. At the end of the workshop, teams will have developed an idea for a research proposal that could be submitted to the NIH or NSF.

The 2016 Innovation Lab is being organized by the BD2K Training Coordination Center and is supported by the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

For more information about the Lab and the application process, please visit the event website.

Specific questions can be referred to .