Javier Escudero
University of Edinburgh, UK
Dr Javier Escudero is Reader (equivalent to associate professor) in biomedical signal processing at the Institute for Imaging, Data and Communications in the School of Engineering of the University of Edinburgh, UK. He received a 5-year MEng (2005) and a PhD (2010) in telecommunications engineering from the University of Valladolid, Spain. His research interests are in the development and application of signal processing and machine learning algorithms for physiological signals. He is author of over 95 full journal articles and over 65 conference proceedings. He has recently contributed new methods in nonlinear dynamical analysis; graph theory, network analysis and graph signal processing; and machine learning techniques for biomedical data. Recent areas of application of his work include the characterisation of early Alzheimer’s disease, the detection and prediction of seizures, and the monitoring of patients in intensive care units. He is Senior Member of the IEEE and has recently co-organised special sessions in IEEE EMBC and IEEE ICASSP conferences. He currently serves on the editorial board of Biomedical Signal Processing and Control and on the Technical Committees of the IEEE Signal Processing Society on Bio-Imaging and Signal Processing and of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society on Biomedical Signal Processing.