Hypoxia and hypoxemia are conditions when oxygen is depleted from the cell due to respiratory failure, cancer, etc. While the current therapies brought reasonable clinical outcomes, the systematic nature of oxygen delivery can be compromised by a significant dropout and side effects. This paper presents a totally implantable oxygen generator (TIOG) for localized, highly controllable, real-time, and targeted oxygen delivery. The TIOG system, an ultra-low power implantable wireless platform, is built using off-the-shelf components. The TIOG can be remotely operated to enable a tailored oxygen delivery based on electrolysis with a precisely controlled electrical signal (i.e., current level, frequency, and duty cycle). The in vitro experiments demonstrate that the TIOG could deliver oxygen with a rate of 9.27 ± 1.9 μmol/L/min with the pulsed electrical current (800 μA, 600 μs pulse, 6% duty cycle with 10 ms period) along with suppressing chlorine generation significantly. At 433 MHz wireless ISM band, it is wirelessly controlled from up to 600 cm distance (Errors: 0% BER and PER). The system can operate from a single charge of battery for about 3.3 hours and can be wirelessly recharged for long-term operation. The longevity of the TIOG system enables ambulatory oxygen therapy in a much longer term than current practice.
Totally Implantable Oxygen Generator (TIOG) for Hypoxia and Hypoxemia
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