
Fit to Burst: Toward Noninvasive Estimation of Achilles Tendon Load Using Burst Vibrations

Author(s)3: Nicholas B. Bolus, Hyeon Ki Jeong, Bradley M. Blaho, Mohsen Safaei, Aaron J. Young, Omer T. Inan
Fit to Burst: Toward Noninvasive Estimation of Achilles Tendon Load Using Burst Vibrations 170 177 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
In this study, we present a novel method of noninvasively estimating mechanical load in the Achilles tendon using burst vibrations. These vibrations, produced by a small vibration motor on the skin superficial to the tendon, are sensed by a skin-mounted accelerometer, which measures the tendon’s response to burst excitation under varying tensile load. Characteristic changes in the burst response profile as a function of tendon tension are observed and used as inputs to an ML model, which yields accurate (R2 = 0.85) estimates of ankle loading during gait. Preliminary results of a fully wearable ankle load monitor are also presented. read more

Unambiguous Identification and Visualization of an Acoustically Active Catheter by Ultrasound Imaging in Real Time: Theory, Algorithm, and Phantom Experiments

Author(s)3: Viksit Kumar, Richard Liu, Randall R. Kinnick, Adriana Gregory, Azra Alizad, Marek Belohlavek, Mostafa Fatemi
Unambiguous Identification and Visualization of an Acoustically Active Catheter by Ultrasound Imaging in Real Time: Theory, Algorithm, and Phantom Experiments 170 177 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)

Ultrasound-guided navigation of intracardiac catheters during minimally invasive procedures can be challenging due to the inability of B-mode ultrasound to distinguish the distal end of catheter from its body and…

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