ultrasound imaging

Image-Derived Skeletal Muscle Activation Metric Map: a Forearm Study Using Ultra-Fast Ultrasound Imaging and High-Density Electromyography

Image-Derived Skeletal Muscle Activation Metric Map: a Forearm Study Using Ultra-Fast Ultrasound Imaging and High-Density Electromyography 640 360 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
We derived muscle activation metrics using ultra-fast ultrasound imaging, which can be alternative or complementary to surface electromyography for investigating skeletal muscle function, and diagnosis or prognosis of associated diseases. read more
An Integrated System Using Ultrasound-Based Registration for Surgical Navigation of Iliosacral Screw Insertions

An Integrated System Using Ultrasound-Based Registration for Surgical Navigation of Iliosacral Screw Insertions

An Integrated System Using Ultrasound-Based Registration for Surgical Navigation of Iliosacral Screw Insertions 750 422 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
NOFUSS is the first ultrasound-based navigation system tested on cadavers for iliosacral screw insertions from start-to-finish. NOFFUS accurately guides screw placement while reducing radiation and surgical time compared to fluoroscopy. read more
Miniaturized Endoscopic 2D US Transducer for Volumetric Ultrasound Imaging of the Auditory System

Miniaturized Endoscopic 2D US Transducer for Volumetric Ultrasound Imaging of the Auditory System

Miniaturized Endoscopic 2D US Transducer for Volumetric Ultrasound Imaging of the Auditory System 710 400 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
We report, for the first time, volumetric ultrasound imaging of the human auditory system without prior deterioration of the external auditory canal using a miniaturized endoscopic 2D transducer. read more
Simultaneous quantification of ankle, muscle, and tendon impedance in humans

Simultaneous quantification of ankle, muscle, and tendon impedance in humans

Simultaneous quantification of ankle, muscle, and tendon impedance in humans 1562 929 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
We developed a novel in vivo measurement technique, the first method capable of measuring muscle and tendon contributions to joint impedance simultaneously in humans. read more
Intravascular Tracking of Micro-Agents Using Medical Ultrasound: Towards Clinical Applications

Intravascular Tracking of Micro-Agents Using Medical Ultrasound: Towards Clinical Applications

Intravascular Tracking of Micro-Agents Using Medical Ultrasound: Towards Clinical Applications 789 444 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
This study demonstrates intravascular micro-agent visualization by utilizing robotic ultrasound-based tracking and visual servoing in clinically-relevant scenarios (using biological tissue, simulation of physiological movement and fluid flow through the vessels). read more

A Deep Learning Framework for Single-Sided Sound Speed Inversion in Medical Ultrasound

Author(s)3: Micha Feigin, Brian W. Anthony, Daniel Freedman
A Deep Learning Framework for Single-Sided Sound Speed Inversion in Medical Ultrasound 170 177 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)

Abnormalities in the tissue’s mechanical properties and structure, as well as their spatial arrangement, are useful in disease diagnosis and monitoring of disease progression. To this end, ultrasound shear wave…

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Quantitative Assessment of Changes in Muscle Contractility Due to Fatigue During NMES: An Ultrasound Imaging Approach

Author(s)3: Zhiyu Sheng, Kang Kim, Nitin Sharma
Quantitative Assessment of Changes in Muscle Contractility Due to Fatigue During NMES: An Ultrasound Imaging Approach 170 177 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)

Neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) has been demonstrated to activate paralyzed or paretic muscles that in turn help restore limb functions (e.g., standing, walking, upper limb functions such as grasp and…

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Real-Time Photoacoustic Thermometry Combined with Clinical Ultrasound Imaging and High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound

Author(s)3: Jeesu Kim, Wonseok Choi, Eun-Yeong Park, Youngnam Kang, Ki Jong Lee, Hyung Ham Kim, Won Jong Kim, Chulhong Kim
Real-Time Photoacoustic Thermometry Combined with Clinical Ultrasound Imaging and High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound 170 177 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)

        High intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) treatment is a promising non-invasive method for killing or destroying the diseased tissues by locally delivering thermal and mechanical energy without damaging surrounding normal…

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