tissue engineering

Dynamic Control of Contractile Force in Engineered Heart Tissue

Dynamic Control of Contractile Force in Engineered Heart Tissue

Dynamic Control of Contractile Force in Engineered Heart Tissue 789 444 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
We develop a technique to dynamically control external resistance (afterload) and monitor contractile forces in 3D engineered heart tissues through dynamic force feedback. read more
4-D Flow Control in Porous Scaffolds: Toward a Next Generation of Bioreactors

4-D Flow Control in Porous Scaffolds: Toward a Next Generation of Bioreactors

Author(s)3: Khalid Youssef, Nanette N. Jarenwattananon, Brian J. Archer, Julia Mack, M. Luisa Iruela-Arispe, Louis-S. Bouchard
4-D Flow Control in Porous Scaffolds: Toward a Next Generation of Bioreactors 170 177 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)

The development of stable, functional tissue is a challenge in regenerative medicine. Tissue engineering (TE) approaches that involve seeding cells into pre-determined tissue scaffolds ignore the complex environment where the…

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Towards a Portable Cancer Diagnostic Tool Using a Disposable MEMS-based Biochip

Author(s)3: Hardik J. Pandya, Kihan Park, Wenjin Chen, Lauri A. Goodell, David J. Foran, Jaydev P. Desai
Towards a Portable Cancer Diagnostic Tool Using a Disposable MEMS-based Biochip 307 305 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)

Hardik J. Pandya, Kihan Park, Wenjin Chen, Lauri A. Goodell, David J. Foran, and Jaydev P. Desai, Brigham and Women’s Hospital – Harvard Medical School, University of Maryland, Rutgers Cancer Institute…

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Strategies for Whole Lung Tissue Engineering

Strategies for Whole Lung Tissue Engineering 556 235 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)

Elizabeth A. Calle, Mahboobe Ghaedi, Sumati Sundaram, Amogh Sivarapatna, Michelle K. Tseng, and Laura E. Niklason, Yale University, Volume 61, Issue 5, Page: 1482-1496 Whole organ engineering, including that of…

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