
Computer Assisted Planning for Curved Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy

Author(s)3: M. Pinzi, V. N. Vakharia, B. Y. Hwang, W. S. Anderson, J. S. Duncan, F. Rodriguez y Baena
Computer Assisted Planning for Curved Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy 170 178 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
We present a detailed retrospective study on clinical epilepsy patient data, showing the potential advantage of following a curved path in the brain for both insertion and ablation purposes. Curved trajectories that follow the contours of given anatomy, as the amygdala-hippocampal complex (AHC) in the case of refractory epilepsy, were associated with a statistically significant improvement compared to their straight counterpart. Benefits were measured in terms of several quantitative metrics including percentage coverage of the ablation region and a published risk score to quantify, among other aspects, the safe distance between the ablation trajectory and critical brain regions. read more

Image guidance in deep brain stimulation surgery to treat Parkinson’s disease: a comprehensive review

Author(s)3: Yiming Xiao, Jonathan C. Lau, Dimuthu Hemachandra, Greydon Gilmore, Ali R. Khan, Terry M. Peters
Image guidance in deep brain stimulation surgery to treat Parkinson’s disease: a comprehensive review 170 177 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is an effective therapy for Parkinson’s disease (PD). The success of the procedure depends heavily on the accurate placement of the electrode within the optimal therapeutic targets while avoiding vital structures that can cause adverse outcomes. Interventional guidance with medical imaging has greatly contributed to the development, outcomes, and safety of the procedure. With rapid technological advancements, it will further enhance the capacity and efficacy of the procedure. We present a comprehensive review on the state-of-the-art techniques in image-guided DBS surgery to treat PD, and discuss about the future directions on the topic. read more

Magnetic Control of a Flexible Needle in Neurosurgery

Author(s)3: Ayoung Hong, Andrew J Petruska, Ajmal Zemmar, Bradley J Nelson
Magnetic Control of a Flexible Needle in Neurosurgery 170 177 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
This paper presents a flexible needle steering system with magnetic control and fluoroscopic guidance for neurosurgical procedures. A permanent magnet at the proximal end of a flexible needle is steered by an external magnetic field, and the resultant tip-deflection angle bends the flexible body. The linear motion at the distal end of the needle actuates the needle insertion in soft tissues. The proposed needle steering system was tested using an in vitro brain phantom and ex vivo pig brain; the flexible needle was successfully maneuvered to follow the predefined straight and curved trajectories. read more

An Integrated Robotic System for MRI-Guided Neuroablation: Preclinical Evaluation

Author(s)3: Niravkumar A. Patel, Christopher J. Nycz, Paulo A. Carvalho, Katie Y. Gandomi, Radian Gondokaryono, Gang Li, Tamas Heffter, E. Clif Burdette, Julie G. Pilitsis, Gregory S. Fischer
An Integrated Robotic System for MRI-Guided Neuroablation: Preclinical Evaluation 170 152 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
This paper present preclinical trials of a robotic system for needle-based therapeutic ultrasound (NBTU) ablation of brain tumors under real-time magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance. The system comprises of robotic manipulator and corresponding control electronics, the NBTU ablation system and applications for planning, navigation, and monitoring of the system. The integrated robotic system can place NBTU ablator at a desired target location in porcine brain and monitor the ablation in real-time via magnetic resonance thermal imaging (MRTI). The robotic system had a mean translational and rotational accuracy of 3.13±1.41 mm and 5.58±3.59° in 10 porcine trials. read more