Performance Evaluation of a Wearable Tattoo Electrode Suitable for High-Resolution Surface Electromyogram Recording

Author(s)3: Sourav Chandra, Jinghua Li, Babak Afsharipour, Andres F. Cardona, Nina L. Suresh, Limei Tian, Yujun Deng, Yishan Zhong, Zhaoqian Xie, Haixu Shen, Yonggang Huang, John A. Rogers, William Zev Rymer
Performance Evaluation of a Wearable Tattoo Electrode Suitable for High-Resolution Surface Electromyogram Recording 177 170 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
Commercial high-density surface electromyography (HDsEMG) electrodes have limited spatial fidelity, and require electrode paste. As a result, the recorded signals have limited sharpness, inadequate spatial density, and are prone to movement artifacts during muscle contraction. We here demonstrate a novel TATTOO electrode, a dry HDsEMG electrode with a programmable layout. The tattoo electrode is built on stretchable electronics and offers superior skin conformity that can guarantee recording of high-quality HDsEMG signal. We routinely record a larger signal amplitude with higher signal power and occupied bandwidth compared to commercial electrodes. This will potentially enable high-quality recording in clinical applications. read more