cutaneous afferents

Bio-inspired Haptic Feedback for Artificial Palpation in Robotic Surgery

Author(s)3: Qiangqiang Ouyang, Juan Wu, Songping Sun, Jake Pensa, Ahmad Abiri, Eric Dutson, James W. Bisley
Bio-inspired Haptic Feedback for Artificial Palpation in Robotic Surgery 171 173 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME)
This study tests whether an algorithm that simulates the responses peripheral touch receptors improves performance compared to standard algorithms in a tumor detection task, tested using a combination of vibration and force feedback with a da Vinci surgical robot. The novel bio-inspired algorithm was the only one that allowed both novices and expert robot-assisted surgeons to easily identify the locations of hard, medium and soft tumors and did so with reduced contact force and tumor contact time. Although tested with only a single sensor and actuator of each class, it can easily scale up for greater coverage and sensitivity. read more