Ethan Grooby
IEEE EMBS International Student Conference Coordinator
Monash University, Australia and University of British Columbia, Canada
Ethan (he/him) is currently a joint PhD student at Monash University and University of British Columbia in the Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering department. His research focuses on accessible cardio-respiratory monitoring of newborns through digital stethoscopes and video cameras. Passionate about translation biomedical engineering research, Ethan has participated in various programs such as BioDesign Innovation, The Generator: StartUp Sprint, MedTech Actuator Origin and SPARK: Biomedical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Course in recent years. As part of the EMBS SAC team, Ethan is aiding in organising the international student conferences in the Asia-Pacific and North American regions.

Thays Vieira de Souza
IEEE EMBS SAC Graphic Designer
Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave, Portugal
Thays (she/her) is a first year undergraduate student of Medical Informatics Engineering at Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave in Portugal. She has been a member of IEEE and EMBS since September 2020. Her primary interests are medicine and computer science. She enjoys meeting people from other countries and learning about new cultures and languages. She hopes to contribute for the SAC team to advance even more as a collective, spreading the word so that we can build a network of people who will work together for a better future, and to develop various skills that can help her and the whole team to grow as better individuals.

Carmen Cornejo
ISC Team Member
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Carmen (she/her) is a third year student in Electronic Engineering at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. She has been part of IEEE since 2021. She has been Public Relations and Promotion Chair at I International Conference of Biomedical Engineering BIOCON 2021 organized by IEEE EMBS UNMSM. She serves as Human Talent Management of the IEEE UNMSM student branch. She is currently an auxiliary member of the IEEE EMBS Peru Chapter in the Youtube and job bank areas. She is interested in rehabilitation engineering, space sciences, research and project development. She is a proactive person with good communication skills focused on empathy and assertiveness. She worked with different interdisciplinary groups which has allowed her to develop her leadership and team management skills.

Akib Chowdhury
ISC Team Member
American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)
I am a penultimate year undergraduate bachelor’s student at the American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) studying Electrical and Electronics Engineering. I did my final year thesis on Electric vehicles. Together with my team we made an electric car where we tried to develop a regenerative braking system and also tried to add multiple resources to reduce the grid energy and successfully increase the battery durability. The thesis title was “Design and Development of the Hybrid Charging Controller System of an Electric Vehicle ”. I have two research papers related to renewable energy. Moreover, I enjoy volunteering and leading teams. I have plenty of volunteering experiences with IEEE. I am serving as Vice-Chairperson of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society AIUB SB Chapter since 2021. I have served as the Team SPARK Leader for the IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter (IEEE CS BDC). I worked as the Finance & Sponsorship Lead in the IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter (IEEE CS BDC) Team SPARK. I have volunteered as an IEEE Brand Ambassador and as an IEEE DAY 2021 Ambassador. From February 2020 to the present, I have worked as a volunteer in the “IEEE AIUB Student Branch.” Recently I was selected as an IEEE EMBS SAC Volunteer in the EMBS International Student Conference Program.

Joselyn Romero
ISC Team Member
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos , Peru
Joselyn (she/her) is a third-year student in Biomedical Engineering at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos en Perú. She has been a part of IEEE since 2021. She is currently the Treasurer at the student chapter IEEE EMBS UNMSM. Also, She’s the Co-organizer of the mentoring program to create new IEEE EMBS student chapters in Peru. Her research focuses on Orthopedic Bioengineering and artificial intelligence. Joselyn has participated in international programs to create new ideas for the biggest issues in healthcare. Passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship. She hopes to contribute to the SAC team to spread this EMBS movement along with the world, enhancing knowledge, generating new ideas, and contributing to the future of Latin America and the world.

Akshay R S
ISC Team Member
Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, India
Akshay (he/him) is currently a second year electrical and electronics undergraduate student at Government Engineering College, Barton Hill, India. He has always been fascinated and intrigued by the how’s and what-if’s of things, and that’s what made him gravitate towards pursuing a degree in engineering. He has been an active volunteer of IEEE and other technical societies from the time of joining college. All his previous volunteering experiences had him working with people from diverse backgrounds, and he believes being a part of the IEEE EMBS SAC Volunteers will help him rediscover his passion for networking and coordinating.

Hatim Jamali
ISC Team Member
1NCE GmbH, Germany
Hatim Jamali is an Embedded IoT Engineer at 1NCE GmbH in Germany, Secretary-General of IEEE Morocco Section, Global Engagement Member in IEEE HAC USA, and Support Member at IEEE ENSIAS Student Branch in Morocco. With more than four years in IEEE as an Active member, he was behind many achievements of IEEE Entities.
(Student Branches – IEEE Morocco Section) that he was volunteering for:
Founding & Mentoring Student Branches in Morocco
Promoting & celebrating many IEEE International events & Mindsets like: IEEEday, IEEExtreme …
Being behind founding a global competition for the MENA region & Africa Officially adopted later by IEEE. That energy and the fact that I’m interested currently on researching in the fields of Medicine, Biology & IoT push me to find a kind of community working on the same thing inside IEEE, EMBS for me will be the perfect place to invest my time, my knowledge & my energy always to do: “advancing technology for humanity.”, Medicine purposes now

Mutiu Adegboye
ISC Team Member
Robert Gordon University Aberdeen, United Kingdom
Mutiu Adegboye is a PhD research candidate at the Robert Gordon University Aberdeen, United Kingdom, with the communications and autonomous systems research group. Adegboye has previously worked at the Computer Engineering Department, Federal University Oye-Ekiti. He has served as a team member in various conference committees where he was actively involved in several activities, including conference format and content designers, admin and logistic planner, entertainment and getting individuals and companies targeted to participate in the conference. His research interests include Sensor coverage and Connectivity, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Signal Processing, the Internet of Things and Autonomous Systems. Adegboye has authored and co-authored in conference proceedings and both national and international journals. Adegboye was a recipient of the Petroleum Technology Development Fund Scholarship Award in 2018 and the Robert Gordon University Merit-Based Award in 2018. He is a Reviewer in different international journals, including the IEEE access, IEEE Journal of IoT, Measurement, Soft Computing, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Smart Agricultural Technology, Journal of Pipeline Systems- Engineering and Practice, MDPI journals, including; Energies, Safety, Water, Journal of marine science and Engineering and many other journals.

Sri Medha
IEEE EMBS SAC Community Engagement Advocate
Osmania University, College Of Engineering, India
Sri Medha Juloori is a final year undergraduate BioMedical Engineering Student at UCEOU. She has been an active volunteer for IEEE since 2019. She has organized many events under IEEE EMBS OUCESB and also volunteered many events. She is a classical dancer with more than 10 years of experience and Black belt holder in Taekwondo. She enjoys teamwork and learning from her surroundings. Medha loves spending time with family and friends.

Tony Adel Fawzy Farid
IEEE EMBS SAC Student Mentoring Program Ambassador
Higher Technological Institute – 10th of Ramadan – Egypt
Senior Biomedical Engineering Student with experience in Maintenance of Medical Devices also a Biomedical Engineer Representative at IRG for Rehabilitation Devices and Educational Simulation. Joined IEEE since 2019 as a member of Media & Advertising Committee at HTI SB and EMBS volunteer in 2022. My interests are AI Technology interacted with medical devices and recent biotechnology. Participated in many programs such as: Syntax Error, RTI, and Micromouse. Wondering to share my gained experience with all students through Student Mentorship Program 2022.

Antony M. Gitau
IEEE EMBS SAC Student Mentoring Program Ambassador
Kenyatta University, Kenya
Antony is an undergraduate student of Biomedical Engineering at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. He is interested in Biomedical Data Science and wearable technology. Antony is an IEEE volunteer, serving as the secretary of Kenyatta University Student branch. He is also a member of the executive committee of Kenyatta University’s IEEE EMB society. Antony was part of the first student mentorship program held between June and December 2021. During his mentorship, he took part as a presenter in the annual conference organized by the Polish Telemedicine and eHealth Society. He will be attending this year’s 19th International summer school on Bio-X: Data Science and Engineering in Medicine and Biology. As the student mentorship program ambassador, Antony is responsible for supporting the program with virtual platform logistics, tracking, and monitoring of mentoring partners. Antony enjoys conversations with friends/family over meals and during hikes, playing board games, and listening to audiobooks.

Natalia Piaseczna
IEEE EMBS SAC Community Engagement Advocate
Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Natalia Piaseczna was born in 1994. She received a bachelor degree in biomedical engineering from the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, in 2017 and the M.S. degree in biomedical engineering from the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland, in 2018. She is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in biocybernetics and biomedical engineering at the Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland and working as a technology specialist at Telemedical Innovations Ltd.
Since 2018 she is connected with the Department of Biosensors and Processing of Biomedical Signals. She is the author of 17 published scientific papers and co-edited one scientific book. In 2020 she was a program chair during IEEE EMBS International Student Conference. Her research interest include biomedical signal and image processing.