Role: Assistant Professor at the “Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science”, Tor Vergata University, Rome
Education: PhD in “Neurophysiology: Neural Basis of Superior Cognitive Functions” (University of Rome “La Sapienza”) with a thesis entitled: “Brain Computer Interface Systems: Design, Algorithms and Optimization”. Master degree in Electronic Engineering at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”, with a thesis on the analysis of dipolar sources localization techniques from EEG recorded activity in man.
Competences: Real-time physiological signal processing, software design, programming, machine learning, prototypes development.
Background: He is the author of more than 140 peer-reviewed scientific publications (more than 5000 citations) and he is on the editorial board of several scientific journals. His h-index is 37 (Source: Google Scholar, October 2020).
Others: He is chair of the IEEE 2731 PAR Standard “Unified Terminology for BCI” Working Group (EMB/Stds Com/UT-BCI).
In 2002, he was awarded at the “II° Brain Computer Interface Workshop” (Albany, NY) and at the “2018 Maker Faire – Rome” for a Neurofeedback based videogame.
His main interests are real-time and offline signal processing, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Human-Computer Interaction and assistive technologies and released many free tools which can be downloaded from his web site