Call for Participation: IEEE P2727 & P2727.1

  IEEE Standards Association (IEEE SA) invites you to participate in the working groups for IEEE P2727™ – Standard for General Vocabulary for Conformity Assessment of Medical Devices with Measuring Function and IEEE P2727.1™ – Standard for Conformity Assessment Testing of Cardiac Defibrillators for Legal Metrology Purposes.  WHY GET INVOLVED     These standards develop protocols and procedures while defining commonly-used terms used in the conformity assessment of medical devices with measuring function for legal metrology purposes. 

The purpose of IEEE P2727™ is to provide the framework for nomenclature in the field of medical device legal metrology and establish consistency in the use of the terms. The purpose of IEEE P2727.1™ is to establish test procedures and methods for conformity assessment testing of external cardiac defibrillators to prove their metrological characteristics.  MEETING INFORMATION     Date: Thursday, 3 September 2020 
Time: 8:00 – 10:00 AM ET   HOW TO PARTICIPATE     Log in to the myProject system to indicate interest in following or participating in this effort.Note: An IEEE SA account is needed to access the system – just click on ‘Create Account’ if you do not already have one.Click on the ‘Menu’ icon at the top of the page and go to the ‘Manage Profile and Interests’ page.Click on the ‘Interests’ tab, click on the ‘Add Groups’ and search for ‘P2727’ and ‘P2727.1.’ Click on the button in the ‘Groups I am Interested In’ column to indicate interest in the groups.Indicate whether you want to follow or participate in the activity and declare your affiliation.Need help? Click on the ‘Help’ icon at the top of the page for assistance. 
  For web conferencing and dial-in details or additional information, contact the IEEE P2727™ and IEEE P2727.1™ Working Group Secretary, Esma Music, at  or the IEEE SA Program Manager, Tom Thompson, at