Call for Participation IEEE P2794™ Standard for Reporting of In Vivo Neural Interface Research

Call for Participation IEEE P2794™ Standard for Reporting of In Vivo Neural Interface Research 150 150 Standards Community (SC)

Call for Participation

IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) invites your participation in the working group for IEEE P2794TM, Standard for Reporting of In Vivo Neural Interface Research.

Scope of Standard:

This Standard aims to define the essential characteristics and parameters of in vivo neural interface research studies (including clinical trials) to be reported in scientific and clinical literature, including both minimum reporting standards and best-practice guidelines. The primary purpose of this Standard is to improve the interpretability, reproducibility, and meta-analysis of publicly reported in vivo research studies involving neural interfacing technologies (including both stimulation and recording from the central and peripheral nervous systems) across different projects and institutions. Secondarily, this Standard aims to facilitate the further standardization of neurodata representation by defining the data elements and features that constitute an adequately complete description of the experimental methodology and results of neural interface studies.

Why Get Involved:

Progress in the field of neural rehabilitation is critically dependent on the continual integration of knowledge of different biological systems and mechanisms, as well as the development of multi-modal technologies to study, modulate, and enhance those biological systems. Neural interfacing and related technologies therefore demand an ecosystem of interoperability, and it is only through the development and implementation of standards that the requirements for compatibility and interoperability of various technologies can be assured.

Who Should Participate:

Any individual with established expertise and interest in neural interfacing technologies and their applications, including (but not limited to):

  • Neurotechnology Engineers and Researchers (basic neuroscience + clinical research)
  • Neural Rehabilitation Clinicians
  • Scientific Journal Editors and Reviewers
  • Commercial Neurotechnology Developers
  • Data Scientists and Neural Signal Processing Experts
  • Representatives of Funding Agencies and Foundations
  • Medical Device Regulators
  • Neural Interface End Users

How to Participate:

If you would like to participate in the IEEE P2794TM standard project, please contact the working group chair, Zach McKinney, at .

Meeting Information:

The IEEE P2794TM kick-off teleconference will be held on Tuesday, 22 January 2019 at 16:00 Central European Time/10:00 Eastern US Time. The meeting will be scheduled for a maximum duration of 90 minutes with a target duration of one hour. Subsequent teleconferences will be held on an approximate monthly basis.