From the Editor

The Enduring Challenge of Cardiac Device Innovation

The Enduring Challenge of Cardiac Device Innovation 150 150 IEEE Pulse

For as long as scientists, physicians, and engineers have been studying the heart, they have been trying to improve performance through every means possible—from pharmaceuticals to complicated permanent implantable device…

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Cheerful strong little boy wearing blue eyeband and red cape like superhero sitting in hospital bed playing with nurse. Playful child gesturing dressed in superhero costume at clinic overcome adversity and health challenge. Happy smiling kid playing at hospital.

Small designs, big challenges

Small designs, big challenges 789 444 IEEE Pulse
Pediatric device development is one of the most challenging—and rewarding—in the medical device field. The challenges arise from the special requirements of these patients and the small size of the market that makes funding these complicated Research and Development programs difficult. read more

The Promise of Neural Engineering

The Promise of Neural Engineering 150 150 IEEE Pulse
Fifty years ago, one of the most popular American television shows debuted this famous phrase: “We can rebuild him. We have the technology. We can make him better than he was. Better, stronger, faster.” Children and adults alike tuned in to see the latest adventures of Steve Austin, the Six Million Dollar Man, crime-fighting astronaut turned international spy who featured advanced implants that seamlessly blended cyberonic technology through neural interfaces to give him super speed, super strength, super vision, and more. read more

The Challenges and Opportunities of Global Health

The Challenges and Opportunities of Global Health 150 150 IEEE Pulse
Few themes in health care require the breadth of innovation as closing disparities found in low resource settings. Defining an unmet need for regions and populations who have been deprived of care found elsewhere, and then formulating a solution calls for openmindeness and a broad skill set. The vectors of innovation may range from new technical solutions to changing the care pathway, or novel means of paying for health care. read more

Looking Ahead to IEEE EMBS Pulse 2024

Looking Ahead to IEEE EMBS Pulse 2024 150 150 IEEE Pulse

Dear readers of Pulse magazine, I am thrilled to be the incoming Editor-in-Chief of Pulse. I have spent over three decades developing lifesaving medical technologies in a career that reminded…

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On the Hippocratic Oath

Author(s)3: Ahmed Morsy
On the Hippocratic Oath 150 150 IEEE Pulse

Controversy surrounding the Hippocratic oath is not new. Taken by doctors around the world before starting to practice medicine, the oath, which is more than 2400 years old, establishes a…

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Beyond Longevity: Healthy Aging as a Universal Goal

Author(s)3: Ahmed Morsy
Beyond Longevity: Healthy Aging as a Universal Goal 150 150 IEEE Pulse

What is the difference between life span and health span? The first reflects longevity measured by the number of years lived, while the second represents the ability to enjoy a…

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The Year in Review

Author(s)3: Cynthia Weber, Max Valentinuzzi
The Year in Review 150 150 IEEE Pulse

As we look back over 2016 at IEEE Pulse, we can proudly say that our efforts to bring you up-to-date and informative articles that span the EMB spectrum have paid…

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Vendor-Neutral Electronic Health Records

Author(s)3: Ahmed Morsy
Vendor-Neutral Electronic Health Records 150 150 IEEE Pulse

On 28 February 2016, the Journal of the American Medical Association and IEEE Pulse hosted a one-day symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada, concurrent with the Healthcare Information and Management Systems…

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