For as long as scientists, physicians, and engineers have been studying the heart, they have been trying to improve performance through every means possible—from pharmaceuticals to complicated permanent implantable device…
read moreDear readers of Pulse magazine, I am thrilled to be the incoming Editor-in-Chief of Pulse. I have spent over three decades developing lifesaving medical technologies in a career that reminded…
read moreControversy surrounding the Hippocratic oath is not new. Taken by doctors around the world before starting to practice medicine, the oath, which is more than 2400 years old, establishes a…
read moreWhat is the difference between life span and health span? The first reflects longevity measured by the number of years lived, while the second represents the ability to enjoy a…
read moreAs we look back over 2016 at IEEE Pulse, we can proudly say that our efforts to bring you up-to-date and informative articles that span the EMB spectrum have paid…
read moreOn 28 February 2016, the Journal of the American Medical Association and IEEE Pulse hosted a one-day symposium in Las Vegas, Nevada, concurrent with the Healthcare Information and Management Systems…
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