
Accelerating the Innovation Cycle

Author(s)3: John Parrish, Steven Schachter, Penny Carleton, Mike Dempsey, Diane Spiliotis, John Collins
Accelerating the Innovation Cycle 618 372 IEEE Pulse

If ever an industry was in need of both incremental and disruptive innovation, it is today’s health care industry. Realizing the full potential of innovation across the spectrum of health…

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Barriers to Health Care Innovation

Author(s)3: Regina Herzlinger
Barriers to Health Care Innovation 618 372 IEEE Pulse

Regina E. Herzlinger is the Nancy R. McPherson Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School. She was the first woman to be tenured and chaired at Harvard Business…

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Waking Up to Innovation

Author(s)3: Nadya Anscombe
Waking Up to Innovation 618 372 IEEE Pulse

John Day is a physicist at the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom. He has an innovation that he believes will not only improve patient care but also save…

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Seven Steps to Innovation

Author(s)3: Leslie Mertz
Seven Steps to Innovation 618 372 IEEE Pulse

Innovation isn’t easy. Not every idea is great, and not every great idea evolves into a final product or solution. So what does it take to move from the drawing…

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Forecast 2014

Author(s)3: Shannon Fischer
Forecast 2014 618 372 IEEE Pulse

When it comes to predicting the future, everyone has their own approach. Weather forecasters track changing pressure systems, economists study the markets, and doctors wrestle with patient risk factors. And…

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