Skill training

Objective and Automated Quantification of Instrument Handling for Open Surgical Suturing Skill Assessment: A Simulation-Based Study

Objective and Automated Quantification of Instrument Handling for Open Surgical Suturing Skill Assessment: A Simulation-Based Study 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)
Goal: Vascular surgical procedures are challenging and require proficient suturing skills. To develop these skills, medical training simulators with objective feedback for formative assessment are gaining popularity. As hardware advancements… read more

Examining the Effect of Haptic Factors for Vascular Palpation Skill Assessment Using an Affordable Simulator

Author(s)3: Zhanhe Liu, Joseph D. Bible, Jared Wells, Deepak Vadivalagan, Ravikiran B. Singapogu
Examining the Effect of Haptic Factors for Vascular Palpation Skill Assessment Using an Affordable Simulator 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)

Goal: Simulators that incorporate haptic feedback for clinical skills training are increasingly used in medical education. This study addresses the neglected aspect of rendering simulated feedback for vascular palpation skills…

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