
Performance of a Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) Pump With Acoustic Volume and Flow Sensing in Simulated High-Consequence Situations

Performance of a Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) Pump With Acoustic Volume and Flow Sensing in Simulated High-Consequence Situations 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)
Goal: An insulin pump’s failure to deliver insulin in the right amount at the right time is a preventable cause of hospitalization. We evaluated key performance metrics of a novel… read more

Deep Learning-Based Glucose Prediction Models: A Guide for Practitioners and a Curated Dataset for Improved Diabetes Management

Deep Learning-Based Glucose Prediction Models: A Guide for Practitioners and a Curated Dataset for Improved Diabetes Management 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)
Accurate short- and mid-term blood glucose predictions are crucial for patients with diabetes struggling to maintain healthy glucose levels, as well as for individuals at risk of developing the disease.… read more