Biomedical imaging

PseudoCell: Hard Negative Mining as Pseudo Labeling for Deep Learning-Based Centroblast Cell Detection

PseudoCell: Hard Negative Mining as Pseudo Labeling for Deep Learning-Based Centroblast Cell Detection 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)
Background: Deep learning models for patch classification in whole-slide images (WSIs) have shown promise in assisting follicular lymphoma grading. However, these models often require pathologists to identify centroblasts and manually… read more

Predicting Clinician Fixations on Glaucoma OCT Reports via CNN-Based Saliency Prediction Methods

Predicting Clinician Fixations on Glaucoma OCT Reports via CNN-Based Saliency Prediction Methods 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)
Goal: To predict physician fixations specifically on ophthalmology optical coherence tomography (OCT) reports from eye tracking data using CNN based saliency prediction methods in order to aid in the education… read more