Behavioral sciences

Expecting the Unexpected: Predicting Panic Attacks From Mood, Twitter, and Apple Watch Data

Expecting the Unexpected: Predicting Panic Attacks From Mood, Twitter, and Apple Watch Data 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)
This prospective study on the greatest number of panic attacks to date suggests daily mood rating, state-level Twitter mood, and wearables data could each help predict next-day panic attack onset. read more

EEG Information Transfer Changes in Different Daily Fatigue Levels During Drowsy Driving

EEG Information Transfer Changes in Different Daily Fatigue Levels During Drowsy Driving 150 150 IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology (OJEMB)
A significant issue for traffic safety has been drowsy driving for decades. A number of studies have investigated the effects of acute fatigue on spectral power; and recent research has… read more