Nominate an IEEE Fellow Today

Nominate an IEEE Fellow Today 150 150 IEEE EMBS

Dear colleagues,
IEEE Fellow is the highest grade of membership of the IEEE. It honors members with an outstanding record of technical achievements, contributing importantly to the advancement or application of engineering, science and technology, and bringing significant value to society.
Every year, around the end of November, the new class of IEEE Fellows is announced. The of IEEE Fellows class 2017 from our Society is as follows A full list of IEEE Fellows can be consulted in the IEEE Fellows Directory. Hopefully, the list contains names familiar to you. If not, then perhaps it is a good idea to nominate someone yourself! Anyone can be a nominator (no need to be an IEEE Fellow, or even an IEEE member).
The nomination deadline is 1 March, and all required information (and an “electronic” nomination kit) is obtained from Fellows page on IEEE website. Please note nominees must be an IEEE Senior Member or IEEE Life Senior Member in good standing, who has been a member for 5 years or more preceding 1 January of the elevation year. Self-nominations are not permitted.
The IEEE and the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society would like to put some emphasis on:

  • Increasing the diversity of our cadre of fellows (c.f. IEEE Fellows Statistics)
  • Underrepresented regions (e.g., Latin America, China, India) and
  • Underrepresented categories (Technical Leader, Educator, Application Engineer).

I would appreciate if you could consider nominating outstanding colleagues in your field,
Prof Alex Frangi
EMBS Fellows Committee 2017 Chair