The following are the newly elected members of the EMB Administrative Committee for 2016.
Middle East and Africa (Term Ends 2019)
Mohamed Khalil
Lebanese University, Lebanon
Latin America (Term Ends 2019)
Roberto Lavarello
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Peru
Technical Representatives (Term Ends 2019)
Konstantina S. Nikita
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NTUA, Greece
Julia Schnabel
King’s College, UK
Practitioner Representatives (Term Ends 2019)
Steven Schachter
Consortia for Improving Medicine with Innovation & Technology (CIMIT), USA
Bruce Hecht
Analog Devices, USA
Howard R. Levin
Coridea, USA
Ed H. Livingston
Student Representative (Term Ends 2018)
Ahmed Abdelhadi Metwally
University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
Technical Appointment Due to Resignation (Term Ends 2017)
Shankar Subramaniam ’17
University of California San Diego, USA