Vote for EMBS AdCom Elections Here!
Click below to see the biographies of the candidates for the different positions up for election.
Latin America Representative
- Orlando Auciello
- Roberto Lavarello
Middle East & Africa Representative
- Mohamad Ali Khalil
- Abdelkader Nasreddine Bellkacem
- Yasin Dhaher
- Carlotta Guiducci
- Marius George Linguaru
- Julia A. Schnabel
- Peter L. Elkin
- Faisal M. Khan
- Luis Kun
- Edward H. Livingston
- John Torous
- Nancey Trevanian Tsai
Young Practitioner Representative
- Marianna Laviola
- Ahmed Metwally
- Jinhzhi An
- Farah Deeba