tripolar concentric ring electrode sensors

Panel B shows 12 minutes of bipolar EEG from Fp2-F4 (1-70 Hz, 200 S/s). Panel A is the corresponding spectrogram. Panel E shows 30 seconds of EEG from Panel B at the onset of the generalized seizure (dashed line). Panels C, D, and F are the corresponding tEEG signals from Fp2’ (1-100 Hz, 200 S/s). Note the high gamma-band burst HFOs just prior to the partial seizure (highlighted by ellipse in panel C).

High-Frequency Oscillations Recorded on the Scalp of Patients with Epilepsy Using Tripolar Concentric Ring Electrodes

High-Frequency Oscillations Recorded on the Scalp of Patients with Epilepsy Using Tripolar Concentric Ring Electrodes 540 508 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

Panel B shows 12 minutes of bipolar EEG from Fp2-F4 (1-70 Hz, 200 S/s). Panel A is the corresponding spectrogram. Panel E shows 30 seconds of EEGfrom Panel B at…

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