TOA location Limits

Precision of EM Simulation based Wireless Location Estimation in Multi-Sensor Capsule Endoscopy

Precision of EM Simulation based Wireless Location Estimation in Multi-Sensor Capsule Endoscopy

Author(s)3: Umair Khan, Yunxing Ye, Ain-ul-Aisha, Pranay Swar, Kaveh Pahlavan
Precision of EM Simulation based Wireless Location Estimation in Multi-Sensor Capsule Endoscopy 780 360 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

     Abstract In this paper, we compute and examine two-way localization limits for an RF endoscopy pill as it passes through an individuals gastrointestinal (GI) tract. We obtain finite-difference time-domain…

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