Machine Learning Approach for Prediction of Hematic Parameters in Hemodialysis Patients

Machine Learning Approach for Prediction of Hematic Parameters in Hemodialysis Patients

Author(s)3: Cristoforo Decaro, Giovanni Battista Montanari, Riccardo Molinariz, Alessio Gilberti, Davide Bagnoli, Marco Bianconix, Gaetano Bellanca
Machine Learning Approach for Prediction of Hematic Parameters in Hemodialysis Patients 780 523 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

       Early Access Note: Early Access articles are new content made available in advance of the final electronic or print versions and result from IEEE’s Preprint or Rapid Post processes.…

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Feature Extraction Based Machine Learning for Human Burn Diagnosis From Burn Images

Feature Extraction Based Machine Learning for Human Burn Diagnosis From Burn Images

Author(s)3: D. P. Yadav, Ashish Sharma, Madhusudan Singh, Ayush Goyal
Feature Extraction Based Machine Learning for Human Burn Diagnosis From Burn Images 780 525 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

    Burn is one of the serious public health problems. Usually, burn diagnoses are based on expert medical and clinical experience and it is necessary to have a medical or…

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Detection of Paroxysms in Long-Term, Single Channel EEG-Monitoring of Patients with Typical Absence Seizures

Detection of Paroxysms in Long-Term, Single Channel EEG-Monitoring of Patients with Typical Absence Seizures

Author(s)3: Troels W. Kjaer, Helge B. D. Sorensen, Sabine Groenborg, Charlotte R. Pedersen, Jonas Dunn-Henriksen
Detection of Paroxysms in Long-Term, Single Channel EEG-Monitoring of Patients with Typical Absence Seizures 780 349 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

  Absence seizures are associated with generalized 2.5-5 Hz spike-wave discharges in the electroencephalogram (EEG). Rarely are patients, parents, or physicians aware of the duration or incidence of seizures. Six…

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