
Variation in the Photoplethysmogram Response to Arousal from Sleep Depending on the Cause of Arousal and the Presence of Desaturation

Variation in the Photoplethysmogram Response to Arousal from Sleep Depending on the Cause of Arousal and the Presence of Desaturation 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess how the photoplethysmogram frequency and amplitude responses to arousals from sleep differ between arousals caused by apneas and hypopneas with and… read more

Impaired brain-heart relation in patients with methamphetamine use disorder during VR induction of drug cue reactivity

Impaired brain-heart relation in patients with methamphetamine use disorder during VR induction of drug cue reactivity 1978 2560 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)
Objective: Methamphetamine use disorder (MUD) is an illness associated with severe health consequences. Virtual reality (VR) is used to induce the drug-cue reactivity and significant EEG and ECG abnormalities were… read more

Classifying multi-level stress responses from brain cortical EEG in Nurses and Non-health professionals using Machine Learning Auto Encoder

Author(s)3: Ashlesha Akella, Avinash Kumar Singh, Daniel Leong, Sara Lal, Phillip Newton, Roderick Clifton-Bligh, Craig Steven McLachlan, Sylvia Maria Gustin, Shamona Maharaj, Ty Lees, Zehong Cao, Chin-Teng Lin
Classifying multi-level stress responses from brain cortical EEG in Nurses and Non-health professionals using Machine Learning Auto Encoder 150 150 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

Objective: Mental stress is a major problem in our society and has become an area of interest for many psychiatric researchers. One primary research focus area is the identification of…

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Radial Pulse Spectrum Analysis as Risk Markers to Improve the Risk Stratification of Silent Myocardial Ischemia in Type 2 Diabetic Patients

Author(s)3: Chi-Wei Chang, Kuo-Meng Liao, Ying-Chun Chen, Sheng-Hung Wang, Ming-Yie Jan, Gin-Chung Wang
Radial Pulse Spectrum Analysis as Risk Markers to Improve the Risk Stratification of Silent Myocardial Ischemia in Type 2 Diabetic Patients 780 595 IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine (JTEHM)

      Diabetic patients with silent myocardial ischemia (SMI) have elevated rates of morbidity and mortality and need intensive care and monitoring. An early predictor of SMI may lead to early…

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